I really wanted to go there. We spent the morning eating a big breakfast then headed out. Of course, I got sick with a nasty cold the night we got to PA so I was not feeling super great, but we still had a great time. Of course we had to visit a popular chocolate factory and grab some Wilbur Buds and fudge. There is nothing that chocolate won't fix. Maxim and Kate are the sweetest kids. They helped us keep Ada entertained. They did not know what they were in for during the car rides, though. Had they known that she can throw some pretty nasty fits in the car, they probably would not have begged to sit by her. The kids held up pretty well though.
You can see the tired, glossy look in Ada's eyes. She was going on less sleep and no nap two days in a row. You can only imagine what that will do to a toddler
Dinner time turned into meltdowns for Ada. We ordered our Philly Cheese steak Sandwiches and waited, and waited, and waited. Turns out, they were short handed and hadn't forgotten about us (which was what I thought). The owner, Captain Gus, kept the kids entertained with some magic tricks while we waited. Ada would not have it, though. She was hungry and wanted to eat. What was even more aggravating was she cried every time she bit into her grilled cheese. Can't please a tired baby. We headed home after that and put her right to bed. She slept until 10 the next morning!
Filling our hungry bellies!
Sunday, we met my brother's soon-to-be boss at church and had fun visiting with him.
I was so excited to be able to scope things out for him a little. They are very excited to have him join their department. After church, we drove around Annville, saw where Jeff would be teaching then headed home for lunch. After Ada's nap, we went to a Benny Goodman Band Concert. I was shocked at how well Ada paid attention. She did not budge.
The cute cousins entertaining Ada while I got ready
Ada LOVED her uncle Mark. She would walk up to him and say, "I Hold," which means, "Hold me."
Ada is obsessed with hats, just not wearing them. The kids got to "work" in a factory and box up some Hershey kisses.
Who in their right mind would consume this whole thing?
Sandwiches and Games. I forgot to mention (or maybe did not need to) we ate a lot on this trip. Food was always on the mind. We stuffed our faces with delicious sandwiches this day then headed out to a local creamery for ice cream.
I think the creamery was owned by either an Amish family or Mennonite (can't remember). They lived on beautiful land and owned goats that we could feed. Ada was not quite sure what to think of this. She loved Scout (the Foley's dog) but struggled having these loud, aggressive creatures eating out of her hand. She would act all brave when she was far away, but would cower when too close.
Ada with her cousins.
She was most likely saying, "Pet." She learned that word while we were there and now talks about petting everything and everyone.
Stacy saved her kids toys and pulled them out for Ada. She loved them and learned a new word while in Annville. "Toys." If only you could hear how she actually says it. Hilarious
We brought our portable DVD player so we could entertain Ada on the plane. It came to good use during some game time. Ada and I were both feeling a little sick so I put on some Yo Gabba Gabba and she actually cuddled with me to watch.
Ada was putting on quite the show at one point, but I will have to write about it later. That is almost a whole separate post of its own!
Scott and I made a big breakfast our last morning and packed up the car when we finished.
We drove to the airport, said our goodbyes (yes I almost teared up) and headed out. We had such a good time and felt like just as I was feeling better, and just as we were getting in the groove of everything, we had to pack up.