So my good friend brought to my memory this morning about a dare that I participated in one Friday the 13th night. It was back so many, many years ago (I was 21), living in Provo Utah in the run down apartment complex of Campus Plaza (blah, that place was around when my MOM went to school). Anyway, there was a group of us doing silly things, trying to out do each other (I was probably trying to impress a guy that I may or may have not had a mini crush on). My turn came up, and I chose DARE. Now, choosing "Dare" with this group could be a little dangerous so I was feeling mighty brave at the time, I was fearless. When I was told my dare, I really did not think I could do it. No way, no how! Too humiliating, too outrageous (for me anyway). But, I gave in. I couldn't say, "no," and risk being outdone by someone else. So...I faced my challenge with courage. There is a basketball court at campus plaza and most of the time, weather permitting, people playing some ball. There happened to be about 4 or 5 people (mixed company, probably in my ward, but I had not met yet), and my dare was to ask them if I could shoot around with them, then take off running with their ball and throw it across the street! OK, my stomach really just got butterflies reliving this embarrassing moment. SO, I slowly walk over and ask one of the guys if I could take a couple of shots. My heart was POUNDING. I didn't think I could go through with this ridiculous dare. Of course they say, "sure," and toss me the ball. Well...instead of shooting it, I took off running, half expecting to have someone chase me down and grab their stolen ball back, but no. Frozen in place was all that the nice, giving, people were doing, TOTALLY confused as to why I just took off with their ball. I get across the court and to the side walk and did it...Threw the ball hard enough to get to the other side of the road. I heard laughter coming from my friends, and instead of going back the way I had come, I walked the long way around the building completely hiding my face. Did I feel like I had accomplished anything grand, or important? NO, I felt like a jerk for stealing the nice, fellow neighbors/ward members basketball, when they had been so kind to let me play with them!
SO, with that humiliating, yet funny story out of the way and on paper (blog), I want to know, what is the craziest dare that you have EVER done (now, if it is something that needs to be censored because it is really bad, don't tell me. Give me the next one in line...if appropriate).
Dear Tyler, You're 12!
2 weeks ago
OH MY GOSH!!! I am laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face. My agents are probably wondering what in the world is SO funny!
This totally made my day!...(still lauging outloud.) You are one brave girl to do a dare like that. I would have peed my pants laughing if I was one of your friends egging you on to do that dare. I can totally picture it too! Seriously STILL laughing.
I'm not a daring person, I always did the "true" part of the game.
Hahah...I WOULD/Could never do something like that again! For real! I felt horrible and sooo dumb. Im sure to them I was the "Random girl that stole their basketball" from then on out!
Hilarious! I kissed a boy on a dare once my freshman year at BYU.
OK, So I am giving you #2 since I will not share #1 :) A few of my friends and I (who shall remain nameless) dressed up in pink bunny ears (the ones they used to sell at Target at Easter). We put lipstick all around our mouths (yeah, not pretty) and drove around to restaurants. We had to dare each other to go up to the window where people were eating and do a funky dance in front of it. I had to do it at Leatherby's where that big window is. Yes, I did it and I'd do it again! Well, maybe not. We also convinced some people we met that night that we were from the South.
Another BYU-can't think of anything better to do on a date-dare. I had to dress up in an abraham lincoln hat that some guy had made, and go to that gas station (right by campus plaza) and try to buy some candy in exchance for-not money-but my "horse outside." I also had to talk with a british accent. the other people involved in the dare-date where in the store giving me dirty looks and acting like they had no idea who I was. It was humiliating...I was also trying to impress a guy I had a crush on! SO DUMB!
i never played it because all the people i knew would definitely have given me an inappropriate dare (I was one of the 2 church members in my highschool). i can picture you doing this though, and it is very funny to watch over and over in my mind. i'm very surprised that no one even SAID anything. they're the weirdos, not you... well maybe you a little bit : )
what a little prankster you are!! I bet you're so glad to have that one recorded for your posterity
I always picked "truth" while playing that game. I was more into changing the wallpaper on coworkers computers to display funny pictures.
YEAH! That was disgusting! I will never forgive you for that either!
haha, I never heard that one. That is halarious and I wish I saw it too. But I am with Cam, I'm not a dare I got nothing. I was dared once (probably by those same boys you were dared by) to kiss a certain boy on his birthday that WE ALL had a crush on at some point (I was actually not dating anyone at the time!) Of course I didn't do it (though the look on all of their faces if I had, especially "the boy's" would have been absolutely priceless! haha, I totally should have done it.)
OH, I just remembered something. One of my old roommates and myself use to watch the show 'Ed'. Every episode Ed and his friend would have a 'Ten Bucks' dare ("I'll give you $10 to..."). In the show, they could never say 'no', and they were usually pretty funny. My roommate and I started doing this. But we never actually paid each other money, and often we turned down the others dare. I think the only one I followed up on was to wear oven mitts to ward prayer. So yeah, they were all small and not noteworthy.
Holy cow! How have I never heard that story, and HOW the HECK did you face those people in church on Sunday? I need some follow ups to this. Did you have any friends that year or did you have to move to a new complex!! I would have prayed to never see those people again let alone face them in church... And I thought I was the embarassing one!!! Good times, good times! Was it a dare when we wrote to all of those random EFY people with pictures or did we do that of our own free will and choice???
ha ha ha...that's funny. I can't say I've ever done anything crazy. I had my young women over though & I had them do something that's pretty funny. It's not too crazy like your story but still funny. I had one of them go to my neighbor's house across the street & ask to borrow some toothpaste. They ended up giving them their remaining tube in a plastic baggy! And it was the day after Halloween so I had another girl go to my other neighbor's house with a mullet wig on and a blanket for a cape & go "Trick or Treating" as if they had thought it was Halloween. Told ya they were not crazy stories & they were probably a lot funnier in person. It may be one of those "You had to be there" stories but oh well. So...I saw one of your posts on Julie's blog. Don't worry. You will definitely be having a baby shower! I'll check with you later on & if ladies in your ward don't throw you one (which they probably will & I want an invite!) then Britt & I will throw you one. You definitely have to have a shower!!! I hope you're feeling OK!
Sooooo awkward!!!!! Like Michael Scott awkward!!!!
The funniest (sorry, I won't put the get it...) dare that I ever did was when I was 16 at a club where bands would play shows. It was a big hangout for teenagers, had a bunch of couches, a couple of pool tables, loud music, etc. There were some cute guys playing pool and my friend dared me to go hit on them. I went up behind the guy about to shoot, bumped his pool cue hard with my hand as he was drawing back his arm, then covered my eye with my hand and said, "OW! Oh man!" like he had hit me in the eye with his pool cue. He was like, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Then I said, "Just kidding, you didn't hit my eye.... (awkward silence as he just looked at me) Uh yeah, sorry" Then I walked away embarrassed.
Belly pics...Belly pics...Belly pics!!!!!
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