These past few months had been going fairly smoothly. Scott was interning (working for free) at the Attorney Generals Office. Multiple times his supervisor told him how good his writing skills were and even took him out to lunch to go over his resume. Things got even more exciting when there were TWO job openings in his very department, exactly where he wanted to work. He applied for the job, got an interview. His supervisor even went another step forward and gave him interviewing tips. We were pretty hopeful. Until yesterday. The panel all met one more time at around 11:00 and by 2:30 Scott still hadn't heard anything (he had a second interview). That wasn't a good sign. At 3:30, the decision maker (A.K.A. JerkFace) called him his office and in as little words as possible told him he didn't get the job, the two they selected were better than him and he can no longer volunteer. Sorry.
I can't tell you how crushed I was when Scott came home yesterday and broke the news to me. I was an anxious mess all day yesterday waiting to hear any news. What was the hardest thing for me in this whole situation was knowing how hard Scott had worked, how deserving he was of this job and it didn't happen. I know many are thinking, "Yeah, it's a job, get over it." I agree, it is a job. But this is the job he wanted, that he worked his butt off to try and get. So yesterday there were a lot of tears, from me. Scott was a lot stronger than me. I want any readers to know that I am only venting and I know things will eventually be okay.
Rewind to about three years ago. A good friend from the ward invited two of us couples from the ward to her house for dinner. She was from Mexico and was so excited to make us some enchiladas made with Mole Sauce. As soon as she mentioned that chocolate was the base of this goo, all of our eyes popped out just a little. I am always open to trying new things. I was newly pregnant with Ada and realized a couple of bites in that it wasn't going to happen. The slimy, thick mess was not going down very well. Scott and Steven who are usually big eaters, were eating slowly, mixing big spoonfuls of rice with small portions of the enchiladas, and spreading the meal around on their plate to make it look like they were eating more than they were. Scott who rarely passes up seconds, when asked if he wanted more, told our sweet host that he was trying to limit his food intake and Steven, who likes food too, told her he was so full. As soon as we left, I called my friend and asked her what they thought of the meal. Before I even could finish the question, they both started laughing so hard saying how gross it was. We had a good chuckle about it, and pretty much every time we saw them after. When Scott graduated, our friend (who is also a lawyer), gave Scott a little congrats/going away gift. We laughed so hard when we opened the present and found a bottle of Mole Sauce. The card wrote something like this: Scott, Congrats on graduating. Just remember these next months, when you are studying for the Bar and looking for a job that nothing is worse than Mole!"
Well, that Mole Sauce has been sitting on our dresser since May and will continue to sit on our dresser until Scott gets a job and then it will move to his desk at work. Believe it or not, that jar of Mole, nasty Mole, has brought a smile on my face more than once.
So Scott, I know you will eventually read this. This next job is yours! You are amazing and I love you to pieces. You are an awesome father, husband and worker. You deserve the best. Just remember these next days, weeks and maybe even months, that while going through the gruelling task of job searches, interviews and no income...that NOTHING IS WORSE THAN MOLE!
If my dear friend that made us the Mole actually reads this blog, know that I love you and all of your other meals you prepared for us...just not Mole.
Dear Tyler, You're 12!
5 weeks ago