We live a pretty normal life. Some days go by really fast filled with lots and lots of fun activities, where others drag on and I struggle to keep this little (big) rugratt entertained. We started a Joy School that Ada goes to once a week. We love it and we even are trying to incorporate field trips too. The first one was a great idea but a little too advanced for our two year olds. We took them to a place called Safetyville (it is like a mini Sacramento), all of the buildings are kid size, and they go on a tour learning about safety in the streets. If our tour guide knew how to interact with 2 year olds, it would have been great.
This was probably a day where I was racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with Ada. She is really loving her stuffed animals these days.
And then there is my precious Ivy. She is a sweetheart all around. At 4 months she weighs over 15 lbs (84th % ) and I can't remember her height but know she is in the 97th percentile. She is happy, happy, happy. She started rolling from her stomach to back last week and is cutting her first tooth. Um...a tooth at 4 months is not okay. I am already hurting thinking of that first clamp down while nursing. She is giggling, cooing and squealing and loves her big sister. Now I need to decide when to let her cry it out at night because it is really getting hard waking up 2-3 times per night.
Ada's best friend. I have never seen two girls giggle as much as these two. What one does, the other follows.
Ada was showing me how she gets stuck in her tent and was helping me get stuck too
Ivy with Uncle Chad. He loves to hold her and make her happy
We make em big!
Our little basketball player
Joy school learning about the letter "D." Ada doesn't love the learning part. She loves the snacks and toys
Ivy girl visiting her cousins in Sunnyvale
"What's on my face?" is a phrase that Ada and I laugh about almost everyday. This particular day I gave her some chocolate chips and the chocolate in the teeth makes me smile.
Ada is talking up a storm these days. She loves the bad guys from Tangled and asks me everyday if I like the bad guys. I usually say no and she replies, "But Mama, the bad guys are nice, they like to hug and kiss you." Hmmm...what bad guys is she talking about??!
She has been really working hard at putting sentences together and a lot of times the words are out of place...which I LOVE.
When she is playing with other kids and they have something she wants she says (or yells), "Go find your mommy!" Or she starts counting, "1, 2,3..."
We stopped potty training because there were too many accidents and fights. She is back in the diaper but we still try to get her to do her duty in the toilet (#2). Anyway, when she decides to go in her diaper she will usually tell me that she has to poop in the potty but when I check, it is in her diaper. She then will ask," Mom, are you happy!?" One day I replied, "Not really," and she said, "Come here mom and I will give you a kiss and a hug to make you happy."
Lately she gets really mad if Scott and I are having a conversation. She will start yelling and tonight she was yelling, "Quiet guys, you need to whisper, Ivy is sleeping!"
There is so much more but I can't think of anything else at the moment. We really do have special girls and even though most days are filled with different challenges, we feel lucky to have such a great family.
Dear Tyler, You're 12!
2 weeks ago
Saige threatens to put the boys in timeout, spank their bottoms or give them hot sauce when they are misbehaving!
I can't believe how big Ivy is! Glad to hear she's so happy!
My brother and sister-in-law used to make their kids leave them alone for 15 minutes right after he got home from work--they weren't allowed to talk to them or ask for anything or interrupt, and it was torture to their kid and I thought it was so mean. Now I get it. Sometimes you just need to have a conversation! So funny that it bugs Ada. My boys always love the bad guys too, maybe it's genetic.
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