Since Friday night I have had a fever off and on, chills, aches and pains, etc. Basically, pretty miserable. Growing up, when I was sick or anything, I got a lot of love from my mom, she would make me soup, let me stay home from school, check on me regularly. In fact, one time, when I was little, I was home for a few days with the flu or something and when I was all better and able to go back to school, I started crying and told my mom that I was going to miss her so much, and she let me stay home one more day! Yeah, I pretty much worked it! Totally different being an adult and married. Scott told me that in his family, you suck it up when you are sick and still go to school...I got to thinking over the weekend while I was living on the couch, feeling awful, "Am I weak sauce?" "If Scott felt the same way, he would probably still go and study, and just get over it." So, those were my thoughts. Now, I know that guys and girls get treated differently and neither way is right or wrong. I just found myself falling back into the, "Im helpless," mode, "please pay attention to me." I know, pretty pathetic, huh? It's not like Scott could take away the fever, or aches. Plus he had a massive paper due today, which kept him pretty much glued to the computer and up until 2AM this morning. He told me that when he was in 4th or 7th grade, he wasnt feeling well and his mom said that he could stay home from school. By 10:00AM, he was feeling just fine. He even said at one point that he smiled, thinking, "This is awesome." Vivian, I don't know if you knew about that one. :) I have so many friends/family members that just buck it up when they get sick, but for some reason, when I get sick, I just want to chill and not do anything. Ha...Scott said it was also a mindset...maybe it is? I was trying to figure out if I could think my way out of the fever. You always hear of people doing things like that. Basically I am rambling now. Maybe I was babied too much (love you mom..) or maybe I just do not have a high threshold for pain and discomfort?? Who knows...I am, however, feeling much better. My eyeballs don't feel like they are going to pop out of my head anymore!
That's so funny because it's exactly the opposite here: I'm the mom, so even if I'm sick, I still do the laundry, take care of the kids, that kind of thing. But when Dave is sick, he stays home and lays in bed all day (sorry Dave, but it's true). I wonder if he was babies more when he was sick? sorry you weren't feeling well, but glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm the same way when I'm sick, I just want to be home and chill. Ryan always goes to work when he's not feeling well. Yeah, we're all different.
I'm ALL about being babied when I'm sick. No qualms whatsoever. I'm a very diligent person in general, so having some down time once in a while is healthy, in my opinion. I totally agree that everyone is different. :P
I also baby those who are sick--lots of TLC and rest. We go-go-go a lot, so resting when sick doesn't seem crazy to me. Spreading germs and making it worse does! :P
It's the opposite for me and Joe. When I'm sick, I still carry on with my life. Joe acts like he's on his deathbed and wants to be babied for a whole week. And he won't take any medicine, he thinks by drinking lots of water any illness he has will go away.
Man, I always had to suck it up when I was sick, since my mom worked, staying home wasn't an option. I'm lucky though, cause I rarely get sick. Glad to hear you're feeling time Scott feels miserable, refer him to your post.
Do you want me to bring you soup ina bread bowl tonight? I will. I feel bad you're STILL sick. You need to get over all of your hypochondriac stuff (j/k). You do deserve to be taken care of. Just sit on the couch and rest.
Ha...Thanks Tiff. Nah, I will be ok! I have done so much sitting it is ridiculous. I don't think that I am going to run in the Turkey Bowl...well, unless I am feeling 100%. I just dont wanna chance getting sicker or sick again, etc. I guess I will wait and see for Thursday. Im so sad about it. It took me three hours to fall asleep last night...what is wrong with me!!???
Lindsay...I think the real reason you 'chill' is because when sick, you don't eat as much. Everyone who knows you knows that this would cause you to lose all kinds of energy since food is a constant 'fuel' for you (I use the term 'constant' literally!)
Scott is so like Adam. It must be the fact of growing up with all brothers (Adam has an older sister, but the rest are boys). No sympathy! I like the comment of showing him this post next time he is sick (whichever Lovell suggested it).
As for turkey bowl play...Lud always told me to 'sweat it out' when I was sick during basketball! :o) true so true. I have hardly eaten in the last few days. Ha..maybe what I have been eating has been little for me, but normal for a different person. :) It's not a Turkey Bowl, but a Turkey trot. It's a 10K. I think I will probably run long as I am feeling good. I have Chicago to go to the next day!!
Well I'd be careful since you are leaving for the week. You'll need ALL your energy for Chicago. That wouldn't be much fun to be sick there.
I enjoyed your memories!
Linds, sorry you're sick! I had no idea that you weren't feeling well when you called me yesterday. (Probably didn't help that my crazy kiddos were screaming in the background. That can give ANYONE a headache!) Hope you feel better. Can't wait to see you guys around Christmas! Love ya!
so sad for you that you weren't feeling well. i HATE being sick. any kind of sick. it is all horrible. my mom however was more the "make up your mind" to be well sort which has helped me be "tough" through life with the exception of trimester #1. that pretty much knocked me out of commission. jared likes to be babied during his illness. i find it a little humorous that the common cold can warrant all kinds of special treatment. i'm getting nicer and he's getting tougher :)
Seriousy, sorry for being such a jerk in college. I really think some people just get sicker than others!! And it's not because you are wimpy... Pete is the same when he gets sick, he gets REALLY sick. If you run, you are crazy. Just don't kill yourself. If I know you, you will be getting something just as bad in the near future. BABY yourself! You deserve it
ben says i'm a bad sick person as well - i just consider myself normal...and he stubborn...
so glad youa re doing better...
Juice it sister. Lay on the couch and groan and's your honey's job to tend you!!! In sickness and in health Scotty boy!!! Don't suck it up're tough enough as it is. Take it easy...sick time is recoop time!
By the way, Cute blog background!
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