I know the picture is a little fuzzy, but we are excited to announce that we will be having a girl! Her head is in the middle and this is a profile shot, and her little tummy is up to the left, so hopefully that gives you an idea. I would post more of the pics, but my scanner was taking forever and it is late. The first thing I told Scott when we found out baby was a girl was, "You were WRONG!" Because Scott was certain that baby was a boy (along with some of his brothers, not to name any names). Now we need to decide on a name.
It was so cool seeing our little girl kicking her legs all around and bending in such weird positions. The Ultrasound Tech said that we have a very limber baby. Little girl is healthy and has a long femur bone (from what tech said). Maybe that means future basketball/volleyball star? Maybe. Scott has insisted that we buy a little basketball hoop so he can teach her some skills (which I agree 100%. ).
Thank you to everyone for sharing our excitement!
YAY! Congratulations! :)
woot woot!
Yay for girls!!! They are much more fun to dress up. :) How exciting for you guys.
WOOHOO!!!! So happy for you! I say yes 100% on teaching her some basketball skills too. YAY!!!
WOOHOO!! Congratulations! That makes the count 5-4 in favor of the boys (as in 5 boys and 4 girls on the Foley side). Awesome!
How fun! On your survey I voted that you'd have a girl. What do I win? Oh, yeah: a granddaughter! Let the name games begin!
Vivian, if I remember correctly, all of your boys thought it would be a boy (wait, I think Michael and Dave thought it was a girl). I am so excited and can't wait to get more name ideas from you. Scott shared two of them with me already. I love the idea of Irish names AND family names. If you guys have any names down your line that you think we might like, send those our way too!! I love older names (acutally, I don't know what IM talking about. I have no idea!!)! Thanks for voting. You will win the coolest grandma award! Sorry Mom Lovell, I dont think you voted!
Yeah for more girls in the family!!! Keith was so sure we were having a boy too (because what guy doesn't want a lil boy to shadow him) but Kenzie's had him wrapped around her finger from the day she was born. The tech also told us she had a long femur and she is a very long and skinny baby so maybe yours will be the same? Congratulations!!
I call that if she is born on September 16th you name her Chelsy (or Bernice)! haha. :o)
And make sure that she picks #22 for her jersey!
can't wait to see you baby girl foley!
Yay! Our kids guessed girl--they're so excited and so are we! It was fun to talk with you yesterday. Long femur, eh? Not shocking at all.
If you would like to see what a "long femur bone" looks like when it is, say, 14, take a look at Gabi. They told us that she had a long femur bone too, and now take a look at her. 14 and nearly 6 feet tall. Congrats, again!!! P.S. McKenzie knocked her two top teeth out today at gymnastics. Tellin' ya, if you don't want a girly girl, send Kenz over!!!! (fortunately, they were a little wiggly to begin with)
Long femur huh? How come neither of our kids had a long femur? Could you feel the baby at all when you would see her move? Congrats again!
Lisa, not really, but I am pretty sure that I have felt her in the last few days. At least...I am pretty dang sure that it wasnt gas :)
Congratulations guys that's way excited I love girls! good luck with everything!
AWWWWW Linds! How exciting!!! I bet she is going to be so good at sports...
YAAA!!!! This is so exciting and I was very honored to be texted the news!!! I can't believe how fast it has gone and I soon will be there with you. Your belly is definitely noticable as a "Prego belly" and not as puginess!! You look amazing!
There's something in the water!!! Girls are soooo much fun! Congratulations you two!!!
Well We ARE EXCITED!!!!! Now if you want some family names, here's a few: Johanna, Lorena, Angleika Christina Hansina Magadalina (for real she was Danish) Emma, Emma, Emma, Cynthia, Harriett, Leah, Lucy, Viola, Ada, Laura, Jane, Theckla, Fern, Florence, Keziah, Margaret, Here are a few of your direct line ancestors fyi.
Interesting family names, Cynthia. Some of them match our side, too. Gary's mother is Florence and my 2 grandmothers are Viola and Lucy. I warned the happy couple that I would be sending them my choices. I haven't put that list together yet:)
Vivian...we are waiting on those names...:) I LOVE the name Lucy! I think that it is so cute. Makes me happy that it is on both sides of the fam:) More incentive :).
And I (Scott) am determined to get Fionna or Fenula in as a middle name or first name for our next girl.
Scott, I seem to remember David and a connection to those names?? Or something?? Maybe it was his old girlfriend . . . what was her name? Started with an F . . . Fenicula? Something?
Jill Oaks' little girl is Lucy. I think that's cute.
I love the name Emma. We've always had Emma and Atticus on our list (to use next should we have more kids). Jessica and Greg have Atticus on their list, too. But we figure cousins can have the same names! :P
Stacy, I think you're right about the girl with the name that starts with F. I don't remember her name and have no desire to think of it.
PS..that was Scott
I tagged you on my food blog...check it out!
Congratulations! We had a girl first and loved it...she is such a great big sister now. I love the letter you wrote to her--very funny. How is your sister, Julie doing? I've been wondering how she is....You'll have to tell her hi!
It was Fenna. Ug, sorry Dave. Do not name her Fenna :)
THAT's it. Thank you, Jenny. Yeah, avoid the name Fenna.
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