We are soo excited to meet you and to know if you are a boy or a girl. Thanks for being kind to me and not making me throw up after every meal that I eat, and feel sick all of the time. I especially thank you for allowing me to brush my teeth. There have been a few close calls and the gag reflex is not as strong as it used to be, but no one wants stinky breath and I can proudly say that even though the time actually spent brushing has decreased, I have not missed a morning or night. Thanks for giving me my energy back and being able to exercise again. I really appreciate your kindness. Now, if I could PLEASE make a few requests, I would be even more grateful
1. I went to put on a pair of my favorite capris on Sunday (or, Scott's favorite) and I could hardly zip them up and when they were all zipped up (after much effort and strain on my part), all parts of my body were overhanging. I am PERFECTLY fine and even excited I might add, to have a growing belly, BUT, is it really necessary to make my hips widen even more? I promise, they are wide enough for you to get through...PROMISE. And the butt and thighs are ok to stay the same as well. I have noticed a little bit of growth in those regions as well.
2. Im so happy that you are letting me run again. It brings me so much strength and energy. BUT, I must say, you do rest quite nicely on my bladder. Even though I do not need to go to the bathroom, as soon as I start running, the urge to "go" comes on strong. If you could lean to the side a little more or something when I run, I would be even HAPPIER
3. And my final request is...to be kind to my lower back. For some reason, I feel like I have aged 50 years and have to favor one side when I walk/run.
That's it. Those are my requests. Other than that, I am a happy camper. I am actually ok with the fact that I cry during commericals (especially Hallmark ones), and have a little bit more sass (aka. temper) to me. I am ok with the strong cravings for Kneaders Bakery even though I can't have it and even get angry since there is not one in Florida. I am even OK to have to change sleeping positions cause it is not safe (supposedly) to sleep flat on my back.
Well, I have not slept well the last two nights cause I am so anxious to know what you are...please cooperate and don't be shy. Please let the doctors see your "goods" so we can start planning for your arrival and even better, choosing a name!
Was I asking a lot in this letter? I didn't think so. I can't wait to meet my son/daughter
*For those that actually finished this silly letter, I really am grateful for everything about pregnancy and was MOSTLY kidding about all of the requests :)
Oh man, if you think the back/bladder problems are bad now....just wait 3 more months. It gets even BETTER. and by better, I mean worse.
Cute pic..you have a tiny little budha! I'm sure that even if the little guy/girl doesn't coorperate with your requests the rest of us won't even be able to tell you skinny thing! Can't wait to find out Wed!!
You look so so cute! It's true that getting chubby is not the funnest, but then again it's kind of nice to have a little chub and not be self conscious about it because you are supposed to get a little soft so the baby has some food when they are born! I'm excited for you to find out the gender. It was so fun when I finally new. That's when it felt the most real and I remember being so excited to meet my little baby!
Fun letter! I love your little bump, too. So cute. The second trimester was great for me, but good luck on your little requests!
You are such a spaz. Hilarious. This letter is so you. I'm excited for tomorrow, too! CALL US!!
Awesome letter! Look how cute you are! I have a feeling you're going to be one of those pregnant ladies who look like they're 5 months along when in all actuality they're about to pop. :)
News Alert - your hips never go all the way back in. I still have hip pains and I haven't been pregnant for 9 months.
Love the letter to the little Foley. :) And your baby bump is way to cute. You look awesome. I was cracking up at your comment to me about you and Julie dressing as twins. (or no longer dressing as twins.) I guess I know what's in store for me with Lyds and Row in a fe short years. Ah, sisters. Got to love it. :)
you look great...glad to hear you're back into running....I need to be better....good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow...we can't wait to hear what you're having....
cute cute cute cute cute
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