A few weeks ago, my stake had a "Ball." I guess I wouldn't really CALL it a Ball because there was not a whole lot of dancing (not that it would have mattered anyway, Scott refuses to dance with me in public!! He's got moves too!! I love you Scott). Anyway, we just pretty much visited the whole time with other couples from the ward and stake, then went on our merry way home to watch Twilight (yup, I got Scott to watch it with me...He realized WHY girls loved it so much. He totally enjoyed the movie...ok, lying...a lot! He thought it was "OK").
Janyie Redd, the very prego girl in the middle, is gonna be having her baby really soon. I find myself living vicariosly through her right now (as well as my very prego sister, Julie). In fact, it's so bad that I can almost feel contractions when they start having them. OK, not really. Hearing Jaynie and Julie's stories about starting to have contractions and all the dialating stuff and nonsense, gives me major butterflies!! Tiffany Feger is on the left, Katie Caarter (I have to spell her name wrong on my blog cause she ALWAYS spells my last name as FOLLEY. Love you Katie), Jaynee Redd, Me, and Carolina. These girls are awesome. I love being in the ward with them.

I find out on April 22nd what I will be having (Scott and I), and have a lot f requests to post pictures. HOWEVER, even though at this time I am 16 weeks along, I have an abnormally LONG torso and probably an abnormally long baby that is lovin all the room he/she has to stretch out. The doctor said I probably will not start to show for awhile. I do have a little thickness/bump developing and can't wait to just "pop" out so people will "See" that I am prego.

You can see a little bit of roundness beginning to form. It also helps that I just stuffed my face at this baby shower. Tons of good food...And when I am eating a TON and people say, "That's ok, you are eating for two now," I wanna laugh in their face and say, "This is how I always eat..." Cause even before the pregnancy, I have always been hungry and enjoyed eating.

Little Isaac is my friend, Tiffany Fegers boy (I don't know how to add the link to her blog, so just click on it from my list of contacts if you want to see who she is..Blog Stalkers!!). This kid is so cute, but he would not stand still long enough for me to get a picture of his smile!

Soon, I just KNOW it.
Happy almost "Labor" day Julie and Jaynee. Good luck with these last, long days!!

hahahah! lindsey FOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEY! I'm sorry okay? I think my mistake is more forgivable than adding an A in caarter. haha! love you. thanks for coming over last night and playing. sorry i kept falling asleep. i promise you're not boring. ;)
Thanks linds!! almost labor day- seems like it is never going to come, and now that i am thinking about the amount of pain and recovery on its way I think I'll take the 9 days:) Enjoy your 5 months...
We're EXCITED to find out what the little tyke will be! Can't wait!!!
Ahhh! I am jealous on so many levels... :) Friends, parties, pregnancy, alligators..... Miss you!
aww, kira we missed you too. maybe we can photo shop you into the pics--is that possible lindsay?
WOW do I look pregnant. holy smokes, i can't wait until all that water weight is gone. ugh
Fun times though, fun times. and I think I ALMOST see your belly in that second picture of us Lindsay : )
AND I am officially guessing that you all will have a.......boy. But you should set up a poll on your blog to see how many people think boy or girl, but you better hurry cuz you only have like 2 weeks!
You're looking great! And you'll be so glad for your tall frame later on...I promise! I remember when I just could not wait to be showing, but the charm wears off quickly. Really, it's not that bad. I really enjoyed being prego. The best part is when you get to feel HER kick. (There's my vote for the sex.!)
Tall and pregnant . . . sounds like a whole other ball of wax. (Says the 5'2 woman . . . ).
I like this post, you just need to steal a pic of the alligator:)
Oh, and on your blog roll, you spell my name "FegerT," since you're being all picky about names:)
I love when people make comments about how much you're eating...oh and WHAT you're eating. Because it's soooo their business! Love it!
That's funny about "eating for two." I'm the same way. I have always eaten a lot too, so when people told me I was eating for two I just laughed to myself and thought, I wish I had that excuse all the time! Just wait to you start nursing. Then you'll eat even more!
Nice try on the belly thing. I'm not buying it. Cute pics though! You look great!
And my three words of advice would be EPIDURAL, Epidural, epidural!
I hardly felt anything!! I was in heaven, especially knowing what it's like without. Thank goodness for modern day medicine!! Otherwise...
In the end no matter what way, it's ALL worth it!!!
Good luck on seeing a manatee. I hear they're the most dangerous game of all.
You have a cute pregnant belly!!
Congrats on being pregnant with number one! You look so great! I'm glad you are doing well.
Love, Marianne
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